Saturday, December 12, 2015

Kenyetta York: Building on the Power of One to Impact the World

by Cyrus Webb

One person can make a difference.

Kenyetta York and I met each other in person this year for the first time,however, like others featured in this issue we have had the pleasure to converse on the radio show Conversations LIVE.

Kenyetta---or Kenni as she is affectionately called---is a sexual abuse survivor,however, she is so much more than that. She's also an advocate for other survivors, motivational speaker and an author that uses her platform to entertain and to be of assistance to others.

She does a benefit event every April called Let Your Voice Be Heard, helping others to provide the services that are so needed. I asked her what it was like for her to be a voice for others. "It's empowering for me," she says. "I'm still growing, I'm still healing. I tell people all the time that healing is a continual process." She says talking with others has helped her find her voice. "I understand that my testimony is helping someone else to grow."

Though she is a motivator, every day is not perfect. "I can be having a rotten day,"she explains, "feeling like everything I'm doing is in vain. I'll get a random email or phone call from someone saying that I helped them. Listening to these women tell me how my strength and courage made them feel comfortable makes me feel like I'm doing something right. That I'm on the right road."

Sharing her story has been necessary in her healing and in her walking in her purpose. She tells other survivors that it will be of great benefit to them as well. "Once you get to a point of speaking about it you get your power back. You feel free."

That freedom goes to show the power of words, both negatively and positively. "I realized the power of words when I was being abused." Her father would always tell her that she would never be anything. "I realized that words can really hurt you if you allow hem. I decided to use his words to motivate me to prove to myself that I could do better. I could have more. Everything he said I couldn't do I can do. If negative words could be powerful and hurt you then what could positive words do?"

That is why not just during April which is recognized as Sexual Abuse Awareness Month but year-round including October which is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Kenni realizes that she has to work with others to help make a difference. "I believe that it takes a village. If we come together we can do more than if we try to do it individually. If I can help you do what you're trying to do then everybody can come out on top."

Stay connected with Kenni's work and her upcoming events and projects at

*     Photos courtesy of Shadow Play Entertainment

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