Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Supermodel Kim Alexis: Giving the World Something to Live For

As a Supermodel Kim Alexis has graced the covers of hundreds of magazines and been the epitome of the life that many would die for. Today she is advocating for causes that matter to her and just this year she (along with co-author Mindy Starns Clark) released her debut novel BEAUTY TO DIE FOR. In short, Kim has been able to make a name for herself in one area but diversifying her brand along the way.

Recently the Supermodel turned author stopped by Conversations LIVE radio show and talked with host Cyrus Webb about the journey and what it has been like for her walk a  new career path.

"I am a huge mystery reader," she told Webb, "so developing and putting all of that together was really interesting." Going back to how she got into the modeling business, Kim shared with the talk show host that it was something she never really saw herself doing.

"It wasn't a passion or goal of mine to enter the modeling world,: she explained. Being a swimmer and athletic, Kim says she was really more of a tomboy. Modeling started off as a way to make extra money to go to college." The rest, as they say, is history.

Kim Alexis sees being a Supermodel and the recognition that comes with it as a way to do something more with her life. "It's neat and interesting," she says. "The fun part is to encourage other women. My success is to encourage others. I want to give back. Women who write to me about health issues, body image issues, etc... if I can help others through the experiences that I've had then that's what makes me happy."

Through the main character Juliette Taylor the novel BEAUTY TO DIE FOR gives readers a look at what models go through in pursuing their careers but the effects of their decisions on them and those around them even after it's all over. "I was excited developing this character for others to see what the modeling world is really like," says Kim. "I liked how the character herself gives you a glimpse from a different perspective."

There are also valuable lessons that the character Juliette shares which Webb brought out in the discussion, one being the issue of faith. "KEEP YOUR EYES ON GOD AND YOU KNOW YOU CAN'T GO WRONG," Juliette says in the book. Kim agrees. "In order to be successful you really have to have an inner strength that keeps you going, keeps you on the same track. There are a lot of things that try to derail you, but you have to jump back anytime you get off the road that leads to your purpose in life."

As part of her own mission Kim is using her time giving back to organizations she believes in and sharing through example what is possible for all of us, regardless of our professions.

Get BEAUTY TO DIE FOR at your favorite bookstore and online outlet. Keep up with Kim Alexis and what's next for her at www.kimalexis.com.

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