Friday, January 10, 2014

Actor Drew Matthews: Following the Road Leading to His Destiny

by Cyrus Webb

Our path to our own personal passion or purpose is not always a straight one. Sometimes it includes some twists and turns, bumps and valleys---but if we are truly committed to it the destination we are intended for is the one we will reach.

For actor Drew Matthews where he is today is due to nothing else but his faith and perseverance. I got to know him as one of the leading cast members in the movie Stand Your Ground.  He plays Jason Veitch, the man at the center of the storm that takes place through the film and as it was in real life for his family. Talking with Drew, however, I can't help but see how he would resonate with the story-line. "My journey has morphed over the years," he told me. He credits much of his success from learning something that actors are suppose to develop in their craft: creating conversation, making the dialogue about the other person and not yourself.

Drew started acting when he was young. When did he know it was something he wanted to do? "In our kindergarden play when I played the gingerbread man," he told me. It was a big thing for his family at the time, and for him too. After that he wanted to be a part of every production---that is at least until middle school.

"I stopped performing in middle school and high school," he explained. The reason being caving into peer pressure. Drew says his classmates weren't friendly about him being a part of productions. He was tired of being bullied and did something that actually got him praise in another area: tennis.

As I said earlier, though, it doesn't matter what happens along the road to purpose. If we are truly passionate about something it always comes back around. This proved true for Drew as well. He told me that after college he had to be true to himself about what he really loved. "I decided I couldn't escape how much I enjoyed acting and went back to studying the craft and was going to do what was making me happy."

Acting for Drew is about more than just about getting attention. It's about bringing attention to something larger than you. "Everybody at some point in time want to feel like they are contributing and want to do their part in life," he said to me. "I don't claim to be a great actor. I claim to love acting. I hope that one day I can be great at it. I'll keep working hard for it. No matter what I'm going to encourage others, bringing others up and go for my dreams." He then added: "That is the scariest thing I could have said out loud," but for him it is the truth.

When discussing getting into character for Stand Your Ground Drew says "It's not as easy as it looks." Known mostly for light-hearted performances, this role required he go into another place. "I can't tell you how hard it is. This is the first time I've had to do a film where I had to constantly make myself vulnerable and open to the audience." A great deal of what made it possible to bring Jason Veitch to life was the director. "Every actor that was there would walk on glass" for him, Drew explained. When he discussed the finished product and what he hopes others would see in it he says "We kept the story pure and honest and full of integrity."

When Stand Your Ground opens in select theaters in January 2014 viewers will be able to see how faith and reliance in God helps you to withstand any challenge you face.

For Drew the path now is clear and though it has its obstacles he is sure that where he is today is exactly where he is supposed to be.  His message from what he has learned? "You've got to be exactly what you've been called to be." Only then can you say that you are truly living.

Stay in touch with Drew Matthews online at and Discover more about the movie Stand Your Ground at

*  Top photo from Bottom photo from

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