Friday, January 10, 2014

Mary's Motivational Message: The Gift of Gratitude

Recently, I was asked to participate in a challenge during the month of November focused on extending GRATITUDE on numerous levels.

With that said, I have spent most of 2013 re-assessing my life. I recently shared with my soul-mate friends how I’m in transition. I’m in the midst of a metamorphosis. Many of you reading this article may also feel that within your life you are being called to make a shift or reassess your journey. And if you are a person who is resistant of change, this process can be overwhelming.

Many of you at this very moment may feel as though you are in the midst of yet, another internal storm and finding your way through it may leave you feeling as though you are in a maze. At times life can leave you feeling as though you are stuck; everywhere you turn there is a road block.

While in transition, it can be difficult to remember the value housed in your existence and what you should be GRATEFUL for.

You see, many times when we are in transition we seek out support yet, we are met with un empathetic ears or our level of faith is questioned. Because within that moment; many may not see or feel our internal conflict.
Sometimes the needed prescription is in the form of validation or just a reminder that this moment will pass.  We all have had those moments, moments when we doubt or question. But it is during those internal struggles, that you come to discover, just how resilient you truly are. Working through those struggles allows growth to manifest.

Let’s focus back on the maze…as you travel through that maze, which is reflective of your life, each corner you turn, every bump you encounter, challenges you to trust that every step back is not a set back and every road block is not necessarily a block of your potential.

Perhaps, it’s actually directing you down a path that leads to new opportunities and a greater sense of self awareness.

My Message to You Is To Stay GRATEFUL
In the midst of your journey never lose touch with all GOD has done within your life.
- You may have lost you home, your job and your dream car but you are still here, be GRATEFUL
- Be GRATEFUL for the people who have crossed your life. Perhaps, every experience wasn’t pleasant but you learned something from it
- Be GRATEFUL for the people who love you and the people you love
- Reflect on how GOD has blessed all of us with special gifts. Perhaps, you have not tapped into yours at this very moment but HE did not forget you…be GRATEFUL
- Be GRATEFUL that HE loves you unconditionally and has instilled within you the power to forgive others as well as yourself
- Be GRATEFUL of your journey. Your stay here is simply a short visit but HE allowed you to be born.
Set aside time and make a list of all that you are GRATEFUL for and revisit it often. And never forget that as a Nation we set aside one day out of the year to focus on GRATITUDE and we do it big. However, it is important that we maintain a GRATEFUL spirit each and every day.

Love, Peace and Endless Gratitude,                                                                                                                                                Mary E. Gilder
*Mary E. Gilder is the author of the award winning novel, “A Misrepresentation of Myself.” And her soon to be released novel, “Even a Man can have a Broken Heart.” Mary can be contacted at or

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