Sunday, April 14, 2013

Dr. Lombardo's A HAPPY YOU Reminds Us That We All Deserve Happiness

Wish you had more happiness in your life?
Imagine being less stressed and happier right now.  Finally, you can make this dream a reality! Based on scientific research and real life stories, here is your ultimate prescription to a joyful, fulfilling life, and it is a lot easier than you might think. Get ready to transform your life.
You will discover: 
* Quick steps to generate greater happiness despite challenges you may be facing
* Why finding positives in your life can not only improve your mood but also enhance your health, relationships, work and even bank account
* Easy skills to boost your self-confidence 
* Way to better your relationships: with friends, family, co-workers and even yourself
* Effective approaches to let go of regret and worry that prevents you from enjoying life


Let's face it: there is enough going on in the world to keep us feeling down and having a grim outlook on what is possible in our personal lives and the world in general. Every now and then we need that "pick me up" that reminds us of what is possible if we only remind ourselves of the role we play in having a better life. In her book A HAPPY YOU Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo looks at the things that can make us unhappy and realize what we can do to turn things around.

One of the things she talks about in the book is the benefit that comes from writing things down. You don't have to share it, but putting on paper what we are feeling and going through will also help us to identify how we want to bring about change in our lives. That leads to another important point: identify the thing you don't like and begin to make a plan to change them. Now this is not going to happen overnight, but beginning the process is the important thing.

The book takes you through what can be seen as the ABCs of building a sense of happiness in yourself, and what is interesting is that it also lets you see that alot of it has to do with our relationships not just with ourselves but others in our lives as well.

Thoughtful and informative, A HAPPY YOU is a pleasant reminder that we all deserve and can have better lives.

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