Monday, April 15, 2013

Loving You for YOU

"What the world needs now is love, sweet love..."

Those words from a popular song written in the 1960s is just as true today.

One of the biggest lessons of my life so far has been the importance of love. For individuals of faith we are reminded of the power of love in 1 Corinthians Chapter 13. We are even told in the scriptures that God is Love. What seems to be the dilemma for so many, however, is to believe that they are worthy of such love.

The world tells us how much we need to change, to be more like what others might see as the ideal individual. What I believe is that we need to begin to love ourselves as we are.

In this issue of Conversations Model Citizens you will meet individuals of all walks of life that are doing amazing things around the world. They couldn't do it, though, if they hadn't first realized their own worth and value. This means they have to love themselves enough to give their best, only then can their efforts be rewarded.

So many times we seem to love everyone EXCEPT ourselves. By doing that we forget that unless we take care of ourselves personally, we won't have much to offer anyone.

Embrace who you are with all of your imperfections and quirks. Know that you were created to be an individual, and only by being that person can you be the best you possible. If you can get to that place then you are sure to be on the right track for seeing your dreams coming true.

Want to share how you learned to love yourself? Email me at

Until next time, happy reading!

Cyrus Webb, Editor-In-Chief
Conversations Magazine

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